57th Annual Kona Billfish Tournament kick off

On June 31st the opening ceremonies for the 57th annual Hawaiian International Billfish Tournament.

The ceremonies where on Kailua Pier in downtownKailua- Kona and had a local band of volunteers play each country's anthem as they were introduced.  This year teams from China, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, USA and South Africa will compete  Saturday, July 30 through Saturday, August 6, 8am till 4pm in search for the top prize, The HIBT's prestigious Governor's trophy.

s the ceremony continued hula dancers from Halau Ka’eaikahelelani, under the direction of Kumu Ka’ea Lyons & Kumu Lily Dudoit  performed hula and blessed the visitors along with the ocean for the event. After Kona Daifukuji Taiko also did a performance