About 30 local residents gathered at DJ Coffee Shop in San Bernardino for a town hall meeting with Senator Mike Morrell. The event took place at 8:30 in the morning and lasted a little over an hour with questions and answers after the Senator spoke. In attendance was Council Member, Fred Shorett of San Bernardino's Fourth Ward
I had the opportunity for a Quick one on one with him to discuss his views and infrastructure before the town hall
" Your voting record shows that every time a bill comes up for guns, an example is earlier this month one bill was to reduce the magazine that semi automatic rifles can have, you vote against it?"
"I am a strong second amendment guy I would have voted no on that"
"Even though you live around here with a high amount of murders?"
"We want to punish the criminals and not law abiding citizens and put those guys away"
"Why restrict the magazines?"
"Real simple I believe in the second amendment for law abiding citizens they should be able to have the right to bare arms and the criminals we should lock them away and punish them real hard"
" Last question, how can you help bold better infrastructure with this area because we have such horrible roads?"
"Number one, I am a strong advocate for local control if our tax dollars leave here they should come back here and that usual doesn't happen.
Once the town hall started he began with a short biography of himself and family along how he got into politics.
He explained more on helping to get our infrastructure better but first talked about how or schools are falling behind and how they had programs like no child left behind and the others before and how they had the program's sense Jimmy Carter . " the more the government takes education to the direction of D. C. Our test scores get worse, today we rank 17th to 19th internationally, I think in literacy we are 23rd internationally but in the 50s and 60s when we had local control America number one in almost every category."
He then started about how our tax money goes from the local to Sacramento and D.C. And how it should come back here. After all this his point was " is to work and bring local control back to the local municipalities."
After her opened it up to question and answers
Some questions where about prop 9 and the other questions where on gun right props with one on Marijuana